What was my credit score 5 years ago?

One way to get an idea of your credit score from five years ago is to request a copy of your credit report. Credit reports are detailed records of an individual’s credit history and are used to calculate credit scores. You are entitled to receive one free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) every year. You can request a copy of your credit report by visiting annualcreditreport.com or by contacting the credit bureaus directly.

Your credit report will show a record of your credit accounts and payment history, including any late or missed payments, as well as any bankruptcies, foreclosures, or other financial issues that may have affected your credit. By reviewing your credit report, you can get an idea of what your credit score was five years ago and how it has changed over time.

Keep in mind that credit scores are not included on credit reports and must be obtained separately. You may be able to purchase your credit score from the credit bureaus or from a credit score provider, such as FICO or VantageScore. However, the credit score you receive may not be the same one that lenders use to evaluate your creditworthiness, as different lenders may use different credit scoring models or criteria.

In conclusion, while it is not possible for me to know your specific credit score from five years ago, you can request a copy of your credit report and review your credit history to get an idea of what your credit score may have been at that time. You may also be able to purchase your credit score from a credit bureau or credit score provider, but keep in mind that the score you receive may not be the same one used by lenders.